извините меня что Я просто так исчез. я вспоминаю что был мой последний рейд v BWL. я был запланирован на следующий день для MC но я не появился. С этого дня от меня не дух не вслух. мне надо былo быстро принять решение. для меня открылса рабочий шанс который я не мог отказать. Я доделал документы, упаковал чемодан, и взял первый самолет в Мадрид. я не жалею об этом решении. первые недели у меня не было интернета. когда мне подключили интернет новости от NOST закрытие было конкретныйе. в этот день было ясно для меня, что мне надо бросить игру, для большего блага.
Sorry if my Russian is bad but i hope you get the gist. I'm stopping here because it takes me ages to actually write all the info in russian. I'll go for a clearer approach here in english.
I'd like to start by saying sorry. I was offered something that I consider a once in a lifetime opportunity. A job at EA in Madrid. I couldn't deny this offer especially because this was my first job after graduation from university. Although I don't speak any spanish (which wasn't and still isn't necessary for the job itself) I decided to go all in and finished my documents, wrapped up my stuff and moved with a few belongings to Spain. It all went very quickly and unanticipated. This was shortly after the mentioned BWL/MC raid. I don't regret this decision at all. What I do regret however, is the fact that I didn't inform you guys earlier (I had Internet in Spain 2-3 days before Nost shutdown, this was the earliest possible time for me to inform you) Instead I drew a line for me there and called it quits for the greater good. I'm very sorry for the trouble and confusion that I caused.
Nonetheless I had a great time with you guys and I hope you do so with me as well. In a retroperspective I had a very solid raiding experience with most of you and I would like to thank you all for the fun raids we had during this time. I truly appreciate the way raids were handled although i'm not really a fan of your DKP system. I hope you don't mind if I stop by anytime to have a chat when Nost/Elysium is up again.
Special thanks to
Yaroslav and Gnus for being a really fair guild/raidlead and awesome personality overall
Zangiff for being a tryhard Hunt and pushing the Hunt DPS limits thus for driving me crazy (troll racial OP -.-)
Myau for really nice and chilled class lead
Mbyou for being Mbyou. Just an awesome guy and tryhard Shaman, always prepared and full on consumes.
Thanks as well to 90% of the core raider for making most of the raids a fun experience.
GZ to Rune for Xbow and full T2. I'm jelly.
I'll see you on Elysium.